Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Final 12 Bathurst & Surround Cemeteries

These are the final selections from the many images I took documenting cemeteries in Bathurst and surrounding districts.

Below are my final images:

Bathurst Cemetery

Georges Plains Cemetery
She was only 2 hours old

Rockley (Jumpers Flat) Cemetery

Sofala Cemetery

Abandoned, Cold, Bleak

Wattle Flats Cemetery

Setting Sun

Taken at Bathurst Cemetery

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carolyn
    A really comprehensive blog that shows your ongoing dedication to your work and the course. The photographic series is poignant and has been captured well. In particular I find the old teddy bear is a strong symbol of the concept of time and mortality. I have enjoyed reading your posts and seeing you enthusiasm online in regular updates. Keep up the good work!! Nicole
