Monday, July 30, 2012

Elements of Design Poster

The brief:

To design a simple poster using shapes and type in Illustrator based on the poster below:

From the website and blog of:

We had to sketch our ideas out and then in Illustrator created our idea.  This is my version using the seven elements of design:


The Elements of Design are the things that artists and designers work with to create a design, or composition. The Elements are: line, shape, space, value, color, and texture.

Line … The Graphic Unifier. Curved, Straight, Directional Thrust: Horizontal, Vertical, and Diagonal
A curved line is dynamic, ever changing, and more natural, than the straight line, which is more static in character. Direction, while often listed as a separate element, is technically a part of the element "line". The diagonal line is more dynamic and is quicker to draw the eye. It can be used to create movement and depth. Horizontal lines are more static and tranquil therefore calmer, more passive. Vertical lines evoke strength, power, but less dynamic than diagonals.

Shape … Natural, Geometric. Positive and Negative.
Geometric shapes are more passive, decorative, and static than organic shapes. Repeated shapes can be used to create movement. Repeating geometric shapes increases the decorative effect. Look beyond the obvious shapes of heads, bodies, buildings, etc., and view your subject as abstract shapes. Change many of the obvious shapes and create new more interesting shapes. Try to find interlocking shapes. Keep the background shapes in the background, but look for places to connect the foreground and background.

Space / Size … Large, Medium, Small. Proportion or Scale. (The Golden Mean)
The comparative relation between things. Employ large, medium, small concept. Size can be used to make things appear nearer and of greater importance. Size relationships can be used to create depth (Perspective).

Value … Range of Light to Darkness. A gradient.
Value can be used to create mood, i.e. dark and mysterious, light and airy, gray and dull. High contrast in value moves things forward; low contrast makes them recede. (Arial Perspective)

Color … HueChorma, and Value.
Hue is the specific name of a color, red, yellow, blue (primary colors).
Chroma, also called saturation, often called intensity, refers to a colors strength or weakness, bright or grayed.  Color Value refers to the lightness or darkness of the color, not to its intensity or to a specific hue.

Texture … Rough, Smooth, Soft, Hard.
Texture is the quality of an object.  A rock may be rough and jagged.  A piece of silk may be soft and smooth.  Texture also refers to the way a picture is made to look rough or smooth. An artist may create real texture in art to give it a visual effect or to evoke a feeling.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bathurst Now and Then (ABC Open)

Ford 1 - 2 Finish Bathurst

Oxford Hotel, Bathurst NSW
1-2 Finish. Pit Straight, Mount Panorama, Bathurst.  One of the most famous Wins at Bathurst was in 1977 when Alan Moffat & Colin Bond made that special 1-2 Finish across the line in their Ford XC Falcon Hardtop's.  Original Photo taken in 1977 by Ray Price.  Courtesy of National Motor Racing Museum
Tipping Garage Service Station

Brown Family Cottage, Bathurst NSW

Oxford Hotel. Located on the corner of William and Piper Streets, The Oxford Hotel was built in the mid 1800's much as changed since the hotel was built. One of the top venues in Bathurst to visit.  Taken approximately in 1919.  Original photo by Albert E. Gregory 1856 - 1940. Courtesy of Bathurst City Library and Bathurst and District Historical Society.

Tipping Garage Service Station.  Was originally located here at 175 George Street Bathurst. The buildings still remain but the business is long gone.  Original photo was taken around 1919, by Albert E. Gregory 1856 - 1940 photographer.  Courtesy of Bathurst City Library and Bathurst and District Historical Society (LHP5231)

Brown Family Cottage, Bathurst NSW.  Can still be found at 194 Peel Street. The original facade has been rendered, the concrete footpath is now grass and the curb has been replaced.  Original photo taken approximately in 1919 by Albert E. Gregory 1856 - 1940. Courtesy of Bathurst City Library and Bathurst and District Historical Society (LHP4196).

Luke from ABC Open sent a brief to myself and Lyn to take photos around Bathurst for the ABC Open Now and Then Series 2.  These are my photos.  I set up my tripod on a pedestrian island to get the angle of the Oxford Hotel as close as I could.