Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Final Layouts for Magazine Cover

I have finished my magazine cover in good time as I will be away on the due date.  I have uploaded the final two.  I am going for the yellow as it is a neutral colour.  I didn't want the magazine cover to look to bland.  I need for the cover to catch that eye browsing over which magazine to buy.

So here they are:

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Uni Assignment 3 - Magazine masthead and cover

Assignment 3 - Magazine masthead and cover: There are two parts to this project. The first task is to design a masthead for a new magazine called 'ME•IS•I'. It primarily targets a young market, 18-24 year old male and females. The second task is to take a photo of yourself representing how you perceive your immediate environment, maybe reflecting your likes and dislikes, your fears and aspirations. Once you have the image then work the photo into a cover of a magazine including the new masthead.

In design, it is common that you may be required to create work for a demographic that is outside of your own. Do some research here. It is your job to make your environment appealing to that age bracket - even if you feel that it may not be. 

Here are the two choices.  Should I go for plain Black and White or the Blue version?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Uni-Assessment Two. Final Submission

I never posted the final images for my assessment task, that I had to do for the subject Digital Publishing and Typography.  Below are the final images:.  These will make up the final DL brochure.