Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Can you name this ride?

I have decided to turn this photo upside down on a vertical view point rather than the pointing down as the ride is really turning you around and it gives it a different perspective on the poster itself.  

Can you name this ride?  if so please tell me.  I am clueless on these rides and I need the name to write up on my reflection notes as the final part of my assessment task.


  1. Can I say I don't like the poster??? It looks crowded on the page. Maybe having the RIDE faded on the background or something? Probably sounds boring to have the printing the right way up instead of on the angle like it is. Just looks uneven or not right. Don't mean to sound mean, just trying to put my view across and I know you would have worked very hard on it.


    1. Hi Nellie

      Thanks for the feedback but I didn't ask for feedback as you would need to read what the whole assignment is about to understand why this poster is the way it is. This poster is based on a famous Graphic Artist who we had to use to inspire our own creations. I didn't sleep a wink worrying about it so will put forward to my DE class and see what they think as they do have the assessment task in front of them.


  2. The ride is called "The Claw" if its the same one that dreamworld has..
