Monday, March 11, 2013

First Attempt at Postcard

Here is my first attempt at creating a postcard.  Also here is the assessment criteria.

Students have to design a series of promotional postcards for your own city or town. These have to be original photographs that you take of your environment and /or it’s surroundings. You need to photograph places or things that you find interesting. The photos then need to be combined with text and presented as a series of four (4) postcards unique to your city or town and it’s attractions.
The photos can be of any subject matter and can be supported by any text you feel would be appropriate.

The postcards will be used to give away at different venues around the city including restaurants, hotel lobbies, shops, galleries and tourist information centres. The focus is to give the visitor a sense of the atmosphere of the city.

IMPORTANT: These postcards are aimed to appeal to a youth/young 18 - 24 demographic, so please create postcards that you would believe would appeal to this audience.

Let me know what you think as all suggestions are very welcome.


  1. Not to be harsh but I don't think this one would appeal much to the demographic your aiming for. I can see older women buying this. Not people around my age.

    1. Thanks Megan. Have abandoned Begonia House, one of the girls in my Uni class suggested Keppel Street.
